Whistleblower notification

    De nieuwe wet is van toepassing op iedere persoon die in een professionele context een inbreuk vaststelt of redelijke vermoedens heeft dat er een inbreuk is of zal plaatsvinden die onder het materieel toepassingsgebied van de Klokkenluiderswet valt (zoals hierna bepaald), en die hiervan melding wenst te maken.

    Belgian Cycling Factory hecht veel waarde aan de principes van deze klokkenluiderswetgeving en maakt haar intern meldkanaal daarom niet alleen toegankelijk voor haar werknemers, maar ook voor andere personen die in een andere hoedanigheid informatie over inbreuken die onder het toepassingsgebied van de Klokkenluiderswet vallen, hebben verkregen. Meldingen kunnen gebeuren via onderstaand formulier.


    In accordance with the Whistleblower Act, you can use this online form to report breaches or matters that you believe in good faith to constitute a breach in the following areas

    • Public procurement;
      • Breaches of public procurement rules (e.g. fraud or corruption in execution,...)
    • financial services, products and markets, prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing;
      • Money laundering is defined as any activity in which the proceeds of criminal activities are channelled into and through the financial circuit in order to be used for an activity that appears to be legal. Since it involves criminal assets, the main purpose of money laundering is to ensure that no one finds out about it
    • product safety and compliance;
    • transport safety;
    • protection of the environment;
      • Environmental protection includes all environmental crimes and environmental damage For example:
        • Illegal Waste Disposal
        • Improper handling of pollutants
        • Water, soil or air pollution
    • radiation protection and nuclear safety;
    • food and feed safety, animal health and welfare;
    • public health;
    • Consumer protection;
    • protection of privacy and personal data, and security of network and IT systems;
    • Fight against tax fraud
    • Fight against social fraud
    • infringements affecting the financial interests of the European Union;
    • infringements related to the internal market (competition and State aid, corporate tax or arrangements aimed at obtaining an undue tax advantage).
      • This includes, inter alia, infringements which prevent effective competition from being maintained in the market. For example, an anti-competitive situation occurs when there is collusion or an exchange of competitively relevant information between companies and their competitors.

    How do you make a report?

    Reports that fall within the scope of the Whistleblower Act can be submitted through the internal channel of Belgian Cycling Factory, using a special form that will be made available here. Reports can also be made verbally or by phone to the reporting manager.

    What about your privacy?

    The identity of the reporter will always be kept confidential. However, Belgian Cycling Factory may disclose personal data to external advisors, competent authorities, and regulators. You can find more information about the privacy of the reporter in the document 'Whistleblower Policy'.

    What happens after a report?

    Each notifier will receive a confirmation of receipt within 7 days after receiving the notification. The notifier will receive feedback no later than three months after the confirmation of receipt, specifically the planned or taken follow-up measures and the reasons for such follow-up.

    Make a report

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